Monday, March 16, 2009

There is a growing awareness of problems caused by alcohol such as binge drinking by young people, road trauma and violence. The man in charge of a Scottish prison told me that 70% of his inmates were incarcerated for alcohol related offences, at great expense to taxpayers. I remember when many dismissed the suggestion that smoking was harmeful, but not now! It is time that more people also woke up to the dangers of alcohol. Few people start drinking with the thought that they will ever become addicted, but too many do. As a Salvationist I am pledged to and can celebrate an alcohol-free life and would not compromise my personal example in this resepct. I have met too many who have regretted starting to imbibe but not one who has regretted abstaining! There is no question of being judgemental of those who do not share my point of view - including some good friends. On the contrary, I am part of an organization that, more than most, seeks to help those with addictions.

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