Sunday, May 3, 2009

An overload of news

We seem to suffer from an overload of news in these days. There are the recurring themes of the financial crisis, the flu epidemic, attacks by pirates, explosions in Iraq, the war in Afghanistan and so on. Good news rarely makes the front pages of the papers or the headlines on the telly and yet it is present in abundance and to keep a balanced view of life we should keep it in mind. In western countries most of us have plenty to eat and can sleep peacefully in our beds. There are plenty of people ready to do us good turns. The sun comes up each morning. God is good. When I take my morning walk I often make a resolve that until I get home again I will count the blessings which are mine - all manner of things for which I am grateful. I never run out of things for which to give thanks and always feel better for exercising both body and soul. Try it and see!

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