Friday, November 21, 2008


My wife and I both celebrate our 80th birthdays this week. Margaret is two days older than me and I have sometimes joked that I decided to marry the older woman. Then of course, I have needed to duck! But seriously, we are so grateful for the years we have been given. For us this is a time to look back and give thanks. It is also a time to look forward to the time we may yet enjoy and to the mystery which lies beyond. God is good and perhaps that is all we need to know. We are finding it necessary to drop some activities but feel sure that there will still be worthwhile things to do. After all, service is the rent we pay for our room on earth.

1 comment:

John McVey said...

Happy Birthday, Sir!
I wish I had the Salvation Army telegraphic code, so that I could utter this salutation in coded language.