Wednesday, April 8, 2009

A matter of life and death

Easter is a matter of life and death. We commemorate the death of Jesus Christ as the victory of vulnerability over brute force and love over the forces of evil in the world. The early Church proclaimed that Jesus was still alive. Certainly he was alive in the memories of his followers - which memories were perpetuated when written in the gospel records. Then there was the conviction that, as he had prophesied, He was still alive with his Father God in Heaven. Furthermore, he was alive - and is still alive -through his alter ego or other self, the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers. For Christians the flag of faith is not at half-mast but flying high. Jesus is not dead. He is alive and let loose in the world. He has moved from the 'here' to the 'everywhere'. Small wonder that Christianity is a faith which exults.

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