Wednesday, January 9, 2008

It 'aint 'arf ''ot

A British comedy programme on T.V had the catch phrase, 'It 'aint 'arf 'ot, Mum'and it has been called to mind as our temperatures have risen into the forties.Sunlight can be life giving but it is possible to have too much of a good thing as warnings about global warming would emphasise. Sun stroke, skin cancer, dehydration and bush fires are part of Aussie life and, as we hide in our air conditioned premises, we may thank God for people who take the heat in order to help others, like fire fighters, for example.Their courage makes us realise that despite many ghastly things going on the world is not such a bad place after all. While we face the mystery of evil let us also take acount of the mystery of goodness and the God-like quality of self sacrifice.


Texas said...

I lost the Snowbitch. Please attend the wake at my blog. Grab some Irish Whiskey...or perhaps some crystal clear Grey Goose, stop in at my blog comment section, and tell a poignant tale of you and the deceased.

King Shocka Khan

Brian's Blog said...

I enjoy British Comedy, and also 'it ain't arf hot, mum'

Blessings, Commish.